Cosmetology and Barbering

Hamburg Campus Barbering and Cosmetology Program 

  • student carefully shapes with a trimmer
  • students washing hair before cutting
  • student fashion show couple in red
  • student on fashion runway
  • student posing for fashion show in purple dress
  • student trims beard
  • barbering student combing hair

In order to enroll in cosmetology or barbering, students simply need to inquirTo enroll in the cosmetology or barbering programs, students simply need to inquire with their counselor. The programs require 1,000 and 500 hours of training, respectively. Barber hours can be completed within two-to-three school years. In that time, students learn everything they need in order to pass the NYS Barber Exam. Cosmetology students earn substantial training hours as well, although the added time required for that certification leads to them transferring those hours to an accredited post-secondary program after graduation..

The barbering and cosmetology programs always begin with coursework in microbiology, infection control and safe work practices. Once students complete and pass these exams, they receive an infection control and safe-work certificate, and can then begin hands-on learning. These programs usually start with basic station set-up, draping and shampooing techniques. Students also learn how to perform hair cutting, coloring, facials, waxing, makeup, manicures, pedicures and various kinds of hair styling techniques. In addition, braiding, hair extension and wig making skills are available to students. 

We also explore topics in the biological sciences, including anatomy, physiology, skin structure, growth and nutrition, skin and nail disorders, nail structure and growth, and properties of the hair and scalp.

We even help students understand the origins of cosmetology and the career paths available. Students learn about self-esteem, ethics, goal-setting and time management. In addition, we discuss the importance of a professional image, dressing for success, personal health and hygiene, and communication skills.

Everyone thinks that cosmetology is all about hair and makeup — but it’s so much more than that! I want my students to leave my class at the end of the year with a firm knowledge of cosmetology, as well as life skills they have learned in class to help them succeed in life.

— Susan Jackson, Instructor

Ensuring a Hands-On Education

Every week we hold a clinic, turning our classroom into a salon. Students put into practice what they have learned, performing various services on their peers such as haircuts, waxing, facials, hairstyling, braiding and makeup application.

We also take students to area adult living centers so that they can give manicures to their residents. It is always amazing to see our students connect with these senior citizens. Despite their vast age differences, the strong bonds they have formed over the years are remarkable, creating lifelong memories for our graduates. In addition, every year our students put on a fashion show, where they are the designers, the stylists – AND the models. The ladies dress up in beautiful gowns, while the guys look dapper in their tuxedos. It’s a huge highlight of our program — one that everyone looks forward to annually. Randolph Academy’s students run the show from beginning to end, and it’s always spectacular!

students at the end of the fashion show

A Program Success:

Chris, a 2020 graduate, discovered through the Cosmetology/Barber program that he had a hidden talent: cutting hair! Chris has decided to pursue a career as a barber and upon graduation immediately enrolled at the Tribeca Barber Institute in New York City to complete his hours needed for his state certification. He plans to open his own barber shop.